Sunday, September 23, 2012

Can you Afford to be a Submerged Iceberg in a Technological ...

Technology and online presence have one thing in common ? viral communication channels. But can you really afford to stay online and drive value to your business in this technological age with information explosion? Like the iceberg that breaks off from glaciers sitting afloat in the ocean, businesses can drive value to their firm by utilising web 2.0 business discovery networks to stay afloat. But what about the other kind of iceberg ? the submerged ones? They are hidden, invisible. Many businesses have their online presence, several online communication channels but like the submerged iceberg, they are dysfunctional online. We have had to reflect on this paradoxical relationship between the iceberg and online functionality.

Social business network is a new phenomenon especially for tech savvy businesses managing their online public relations. Several businesses have their websites and contains a lot of information. The ultimate aim is to get the targeted audience to visit and interact with you online for most of these tech savvy businesses. If you refelct a minute, do you manage your online presence in such ways that it provides the much needed value to your business? Online communication nowadays is much more than content management and presentation. Consumers now have inclination to social engagement online.While the social networks keep evolving overtime, the principles that govern interaction and support tend to remain constant.

Facilitated by the power of the internet, the Ziliot Business Discovery Network offers such online social interaction for B2B communication across regions of the world. Rather than focusing on the traditional one-to-many model of online engagement which does not offer the opportunity to initiate discussion outside the focus of the interaction, the Ziliot Network is highly interactive. It offers one-on-one engagement that engages the user in discovering new business opportunities, OEM and franchise opportunities and so on. Although, some companies are still reluctant to embracing social networks, the benefits far outweighs the threats. It offers the benefit of creating long term relationship with other businesses.

In summary, Ziliot offers a platform where businesses can connect with other businesses, generate new business opportunity and interact with them in a secured business discovery network.

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