Tuesday, August 16, 2011

How to Lower Blood Pressure Effectively - Health Articles Direct

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The question of how to lower blood pressure has long plagued a lot of people. According to the American Heart Association, nearly one in three adults in the United States is suffering from hypertension. Worse yet, very few actually know this. High blood pressure has been labeled the ?silent killer? because it does not have any symptoms. Thankfully, there are several things you can do at home that can lower blood pressure and these are tasks that you may not be aware of are actually saving your life.

If your spouse requests that you help out with household tasks, thank her. Complaining only increases your blood pressure. As you may know, getting physical activity is one great way to help you get rid of your hypertension, which is why washing the dishes, mowing the lawn, and taking out the trash can improve your health. Doing housework actively can save the money that would otherwise be spent on a housekeeper and can have similar results as going to an expensive gym.

Something that you should know about blood pressure is the fact that it is not only about work, you will need plenty of rest to get your health better. Sleep quality is directly linked to hypertension. It?s better to choose rest and your bed to improve your health over watching that late night show. Ensure you get adequate sleep at least eight hours as it can significantly lower your blood pressure.

It?s not just a myth old wives say, too much stress in your life can actually worsen your health, specially spiking your blood pressure. As such, reduce your personal stress. Failing that, learn effective techniques to cope with these problems. Take up a hobby, try mediation, or look at a movie. To relax, you need to do what makes you happy. By following this process, it is possible to conserve funds that would otherwise go to drugs and physicians.

The dietary approaches enumerate types of food that will help you reach your goals. Some of the tips listed there include lessening the amount of food that?s rich in fat and sodium from your diet and replacing these with healthier choices, such as fruits and vegetables. You will lose weight and improve your overall health as well as lowering your blood pressure.

Before you moan and groan that this is another witch hunt for smokers, note that nicotine causes your blood vessels to constrict and your heart to beat faster, causing high blood pressure. By stopping smoking, you will be doing your heart and your lungs a big favor.

Of course, doing these once or twice won?t actually have that much of an impact in your life. Effective blood pressure management requires lifestyle changes that you will stick with consistently.

With this support about natural blood pressure reducers, having High Blood Pressure shall be a thing of the past. Visit here to discover more on lower high blood pressure naturally.

Source: http://www.healtharticlesdirect.com/articles-about-alternative-health-treatments/how-to-lower-blood-pressure-effectively/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-lower-blood-pressure-effectively

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