Friday, July 26, 2013

Nothing New, Too Much Left Out, in Obama's Speech

Yahoo asked Americans to respond to Barack Obama's speech on the economy on Wednesday and share whether their own lives match the president's words. Here's one perspective.

COMMENTARY | I'll never get back the hour I spent listening to President Obama chat about the economy at today's pep rally. I heard nothing new.

I'm a freelance consultant and writer in my 50s. Another family member is an electrical engineer working full-time on a job hunt after a layoff earlier this year. You want to see vulnerable Americans? Take a look at those of us in our 50s who are trying to land a job. Our town of Merrimack, N.H., is in decent economic shape with a new outlet mall. The mall hasn't replaced the jobs lost at the defense contractor down the street.

Our biggest economic choice as a family is to control our spending. That's how we get past layoffs, save for retirement, and set aside resources to share with our community. Washington should try that.

What bugged me in today's speech? Hearing the president call government expenditures "investments." Also, he called the sequester a "meat cleaver," when most of its cuts were to future spending increases.

"We expect people to be self-reliant," said the president, before listing ways that federal spending was necessary for housing, education, employment, retirement, and health care. He went so far as to advocate formal education for 4-year-olds as a "vital support system for working parents." He had no comment on helping stay-at-home parents, who are not yet obsolete.

He talked about Airbus building a facility in Alabama. He didn't mention Boeing, an American company that the Obama Administration attacked when it moved part of its business to South Carolina, a right-to-work state. I guess some high-paying manufacturing jobs are more equal than others.

When the President discussed Obamacare today, he left out that he's trying to use health care to trump the First Amendment via the HHS mandate.

And what "phony scandals" does he consider a "distraction" from the economy? Benghazi? Perhaps he meant the NSA revelations, which still haven't been explained to my satisfaction. When I mistrust executive actions in those areas, the president shouldn't be surprised when I am skeptical of trusting him with the economy.


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