Monday, August 5, 2013

Lewisburg Community Garden hosts enrichment activities, art classes

By Kathryn Kopchik

LEWISBURG, Pa. ? The Lewisburg Community Garden is hosting a series of enrichment activities and art classes. The garden, a collaboration between Bucknell University and the Borough of Lewisburg, is located at the southeast corner of North Water Street and St. Anthony's Street in Lewisburg.

Registration is required as some class sizes are limited. Register online at or call 570-577-3973.

Saturday, July 20: Upcycled Floral Decorations, 10 a.m. to noon. Participants will cut and shape vibrant glossy newspaper ads into beautiful paper flowers that stay fresh all year long, displayed in a hand-painted cardboard vase. Participants also will create a summer wreath featuring cardboard leaves and egg carton flowers. Classes are limited to 12 participants. The cost of the class is $10.

July 27: Rain Barrels and Run-off: Taking storm water management into our own hands, 11 a.m. to noon. Jason Winey of the Snyder County Conservation District will discuss how to store useful rainwater and slow its path into the streets, sewage system, and watershed. Due to the impermeable qualities of cities and towns, stormwater travels quickly throughout communities and gathers chemicals, nutrients, debris, garbage, and other wastes in its wake. Priority registration deadline is July 22. Participants may attend at no cost; however, the cost to take a rain barrel home is $15.

Aug. 3: Potato Prints, Plant Impressions, and Natural Dyes, 10 a.m. to noon. Participants will experiment with different vegetables to create unique tie-dyed fabric and T-shirts. Participants also will use acrylic paint to create wrapping paper and prints from assorted vegetables and plant leaves. Classes are limited to 12 participants. The cost of the class is $10.

Aug. 10: Community-based Nutrition Education and Potluck, noon. Throughout the month of July, participants may pick up a recipe card at the CommunityZone (located to the west of the Campus Theatre) and return the card for the swap, then bring one of the dishes to share at a lunchtime potluck at the Lewisburg Community Garden. The potluck is free.

Aug. 17: Preserving the Harvest and Season Extension, 11 a.m. Participants will be given an overview of pickling and fermenting foods, making sauces, salsas and jellies, blanching and freezing, and creative methods for storage. Other topics include a discussion of late summer crops, cool weather crops, how to transplant herbs into containers for in-home use, and methods for keeping plants warm and happy into the autumn with cold-frames, row covers, greenhouse plastic, or individual cloche covers. The presentation is free.


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